June 1, 2023

Birch Tree Unleashes the Power of Multiple OOH Formats in a Spectacular Launch

Birch Tree Unleashes OOH Formats
Brand: Birch Tree
Country: Philippines

Challenge: One of the most impactful challenges for Birch Tree, a dairy brand, is effectively promoting its product to its main target audience amidst a wide range of potential consumers. With diverse consumer preferences and dietary trends, Birch Tree must navigate the complexities of reaching and engaging its specific target audience while competing against numerous brands in the highly competitive market. 

Objective: The objective of Birch Tree’s programmatic DOOH campaign is to strategically promote their immune-boosting milk powder product to a targeted audience, maximizing brand awareness, and engagement rates, and ultimately driving sales.

Solution: To effectively promote their immune-boosting milk powder product and achieve their campaign objectives, Birch Tree implemented a strategic solution using programmatic DOOH advertising through Google DV360. By leveraging this platform, Birch Tree was able to tailor their messaging to specific demographics, including age, gender, location, and interests, ensuring targeted delivery of its message to the right audience at the right time.

By selecting high-traffic locations such as iconic highway screens and popular facades in areas with high target audiences, Birch Tree maximized the impact of its campaign, capturing the attention of potential customers and driving engagement. The programmatic approach enabled Birch Tree to optimize its advertising efforts, resulting in higher engagement rates and increased sales.

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