June 1, 2023

Dell Uses DOOH To Reach Business Owners

DELL uses DOOH to reach business owners
Brand: Dell
Country: Malaysia 

Partner: GroupM

Challenge: Dell wanted to drive awareness for their specialized Small Business Solutions

Objective: Dell wanted to reach a targeted segment – Small Business Owners – to drive awareness for their specialized solutions that include laptops, storage, and networking.

Solution: By leveraging The Moving Audiences Planner, MediaCom successfully identified billboard locations that exhibited a higher concentration of the target segment, ensuring maximum on-target audience impressions for the DOOH execution. This strategic approach allowed us to optimize the campaign by targeting specific locations, days, and times of the day when the target group was most active. Through continuous monitoring and measurement of actual performance, we were able to identify opportunities for site or schedule adjustments, enabling us to surpass the initial plan and deliver exceptional results.

Results: The programmatic DOOH campaign exceeded expectations by delivering an additional +800k Potential Views or Impressions compared to the initial forecast. The Ad-Play Verification Service confirmed that 100.85% of the forecasted ad plays were successfully delivered during the campaign period. Through the utilization of audience movement data, we identified the high-performing locations and areas that underperformed. By implementing in-flight campaign optimization, we reviewed the weekly performance and strategically shifted the campaign focus to sites that provided the highest exposure, ensuring maximum impact and reach.


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